Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to Create The life that is right for you

Creativity isn't just about writing stories, painting pictures, composing music and all of the other recognised creative acts from cooking to architecture and film making to video game design.
The biggest creative project of your life IS your life.
You create yourself, moment by moment, day by day, experience by experience, and become the person you want to become. Right?
Well, it's not always quite that easy. Any number of other factors play a part in what seems like a grand conspiracy to steer you off course from your true path as often and as dramatically as possible.
There's one underlying fact though that never changes. It's the secret to why your creative life is always yours to make of it what you wish.
That secret is "choice".
Though often it may not feel like it, you have the choice in how you react to situations. You have the choice in what you do with your time. You have the choice in how creative you want to be. You have the choice in the person you want to be.
It's never too late to reclaim this power of choice, and here's a powerful technique you can use to get you started:
Reclaiming Your Choice
Think of one or two situations or areas in your life where you feel you're not where you want to be, or you're not in control of where you're heading. Then, take the first area and write out a statement in the following form:
Instead of (situation now) I will (ideal situation).
Insert the situation as it stands now in the first part, and the situation how you'd like it to be in the second part. Here are a couple of examples:
Instead of feeling I have no time to create, I will feel like I'm spending a minimum amount of time every day on the creative projects I enjoy.
Instead of fearing how each project will turn out, I will approach every new venture with confidence and passion, and create the best I can.
Instead of feeling I have no ideas, I will have a steady flow of new ideas and be able to develop them to their fullest potential.
Then when you have a few, pick just one statement. Ask yourself what action you can choose to take to move you closer to how you want to be. Use this kind of format, write it down:
3 steps I could take towards this in the next 48 hours are:
The final step is where you're going to put your words into action. Pick one of the 3 steps you've written, and commit to taking it. Today. Right now.
Just the process of writing out these kind of statements reconnects you with the fact that you have a choice in where you're heading and who you are.
Use this exercise as often as you need to, to stay in touch with the power of choice, and to create the life that's right for YOU.

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